you are not the well.

did you also tell yourself
that you have to save

just to feel the weight of their

‘i love you’

on your skin?

…and did they also tell you,

when your eyes were still
dew soft with memories
of where you were made,

and put together in the secret places,


their happiness was all tied
up inside of you

with ribbons, except

they were really ropes.

and it has been impossible
for you

their hunger

which consumes you from the outside in, and you are

always having to smile
and keep the peace.

keep them happy
when they break.

always having to glue

and places
and people

right back together

when you have run out of light

as if this were the only
thing that heaven has
called you
to do.

that when the angel stirs the pool you have to carry them
in, but

it never works.
they are never healed.
they are never, ever happy.

because you are not the water.

it is a lie.

are not here to save people
from themselves.

are not here to earn love.

to cross deserts,
and fields of thorns
for someone to draw water
from your empty hands.

just because you have a cup

does not mean
you are a well.

you are not the source,
or even the back that carries
the weight.

you were not told
that your voice is strong,

and beautiful.

and that it can sing on
its own,

carry an entire melody

and has anyone ever told you

that there is a God
for everyone,


it is not you.

are free to go.

go and live!

— you are not the well.

© Liezel Graham 2020.

Photograph by Frank Albrecht.

I don’t like posting twice on the same day, but I really want to put this one up tonight.

You cannot be the source of someone’s happiness, peace and joy.

It is not your job.

And sometimes, we are told this from a very young age and all we know from thereon out, is that we need to keep the peace… we don’t learn that we can challenge opinions, and say ‘no’ to things that make us uncomfortable.

we become people pleasers with a skewed sense of love.

we think that we have to somehow earn the ‘i love you’s’ by being the source to people who don’t know where to find it themselves, or don’t want to find it themselves.

you are not a crutch.

you were a given a life.

go and live it!

With a grateful nod to Melissa T, for a line that I used in this poem.


4 thoughts on “you are not the well.

  1. Such an erudite, timely poem, Liesel, as is the other you posted today. Thank you.

    I recall often, and speak it to people, when it’s given to me to say, “Does the need constitute a call?”.

    Liked by 1 person

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